Please remember, that for all treatments, we must hold a signed veterinary referral form, these can be downloaded from our website. If you prefer, by prior arrangement, we can organise the referral form to be sent direct to your vet.
Click here for your Veterinary Referral form.
All dogs, whatever therapy they have arrived at the centre for, will be given a health check.
Prices as of 1st April 2024
Hydrotherapy – Pool Rehabilitation: £46.50
Snowy’s provide assistance for your dog during the pool rehabilitation sessions at all times. In some cases dog’s require more support and encouragement, this could be due to something as simple as having reduced mobility or a more complicated issue such as a dog with degenerative myelopathy, with the number of therapists available we are able to provide maximum care and safety for your dog.
Hydrotherapy – Treadmill Rehabilitation: £48.00
At Snowy’s there are always at least three therapists available for treadmill sessions, to ensure your dog receives the best care and support in their recovery process. However, with more complicated cases such as spinal, total hip replacement, or nerve debilitating conditions, we can provide 5+ therapists per treatment, and there is no extra charge for this service.
Physiotherapy - Initial consultation: £75
Physiotherapy - Follow-up session: £65
Myotherapy – Initial consultation: £60.00
Myotherapy – follow up: £55.00
Thermal Imaging
LEVEL 1: £140 – Comprehensive Imaging, Detailed Report, and Treatment Plan.
LEVEL 2: £85 – Imaging with a Summary Report.
LEVEL 3: £50 – Imaging Only.
Click here to see a full breakdown of the Thermal Imaging prices
Laser Therapy
Minor Ailments: £25.00 (short, targeted treatments).
Standard Laser Therapy (35 minutes): £30.00 (covers all areas in this timeframe).
Extended Laser Therapy (35 minutes or more): £35.00 (for comprehensive treatment).
Radiofrequency therapy
Winback Tecartherapy £45.00
Stance Analyser £15.00
TENDIBOOTS™ Gait Analysis
LEVEL 1: £125 – Comprehensive Gait Analysis with a Detailed Report and Treatment Plan
LEVEL 2: £80 – Gait Analysis with a Summary Report
LEVEL 3: £50 – Gait Assessment Only
Click here to see a full breakdown of the Gait Analysis prices
Other Services
Snowy's Orthopedic Referral Services: Andrei Uricaru - Call for details
All prices are inclusive of VAT. We accept all major credit and debit cards, or you can pay by bank transfer.
Please be aware that sometimes the length of the sessions may alter, this will be dependent on the dog’s condition, fitness level, needs and ability. The prices are fixed regardless of the possible change in session timing.
On your first appointment we like to allow plenty of time to enable us to assess the dog correctly, give a comprehensive health check, therefore please allow an extra 10 miniutes prior to your session time. Also it is very likely that your dog will be in the water for a shorter time, this allows us to assess the recovery period.
Please click here for full terms and conditions.
Refunds will only be given in exceptional circumstances
All sessions are by prior appointment only.